Coin98 Adapter


Coin98 Adapter is built to make the integration between your Multi-chain Dapp and Wallet easier than ever. Powered by Coin98 Multi-chain core engine, Coin98 Adapter can handle the connection and functions for most of the popular Blockchains and Wallets on the market.

Coin98 Adapter provides an easy connect modal UI with Light/Dark mode available to choose. For more advanced use cases, you can use your owned dapp connection UI and call the supported Adapter functions instead.

Supported Chains & Wallets

Coin98 Adapter currently supports most of the popular EVM Chains, more Chains and Wallets will be supported in the future.


To use the Coin98 Adapter, first install the core package from the NPM registry.

npm install \
@coin98-com/wallet-adapter-react \

Then, install the wallets you want to support. More wallets will be supported in the future.

npm install \
@coin98-com/wallet-adapter-coin98 \

Setup Coin98 Adapter

Setup for Next.js

Follow this link for more details.

Setup for React

Follow this link for more details.

Last updated