Basic API

Note: Please create Secret Network wallet before using this function How to detect Coin98

You can determine whether Coin98 is installed on the user device by checking window.keplr. If window.keplr returns undefined after document.load, Coin98 is not installed. There are several ways to wait for the load event to check the status. Refer to the examples below:

You can register the function to window.onload:

window.onload = async () => {
    if (!window.keplr) {
        alert("Please install keplr extension");
    } else {
        const chainId = "secret-4";

        // Enabling before using the Coin98 is recommended.
        // This method will ask the user whether to allow access if they haven't visited this website.
        // Also, it will request that the user unlock the wallet if the wallet is locked.
        await window.keplr.enable(chainId);
        const offlineSigner = window.keplr.getOfflineSigner(chainId);
        // You can get the address/public keys by `getAccounts` method.
        // It can return the array of address/public key.
        // But, currently, Coin98 extension manages only one address/public key pair.
        // XXX: This line is needed to set the sender address for SigningCosmosClient.
        const accounts = await offlineSigner.getAccounts();
        // Initialize the gaia api with the offline signer that is injected by Coin98 extension.
        const cosmJS = new SigningCosmosClient(

or track the document's ready state through the document event listener:

async getKeplr(): Promise<Keplr | undefined> {
    if (window.keplr) {
        return window.keplr;
    if (document.readyState === "complete") {
        return window.keplr;
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const documentStateChange = (event: Event) => {
            if (
                ( as Document).readyState === "complete"
            ) {
                document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", documentStateChange);
        document.addEventListener("readystatechange", documentStateChange);

There may be multiple ways to achieve the same result, and no preferred method.

Coin98-specific features

If you were able to connect Coin98 with CosmJS, you may skip to the Use Coin98 with CosmJS section.

While Coin98 supports an easy way to connect to CosmJS, there are additional functions specific to Coin98 which provides additional features.

Using with Typescript


import { Window as KeplrWindow } from "@keplr-wallet/types";

declare global {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
  interface Window extends KeplrWindow {}

The @keplr-wallet/types package has the type definition related to Keplr. If you're using TypeScript, run npm install --save-dev @keplr-wallet/types or yarn add -D @keplr-wallet/types to install @keplr-wallet/types. Then, you can add the @keplr-wallet/types window to a global window object and register the Coin98 related types.

Enable Connection

enable(chainIds: string | string[]): Promise<void>

The window.keplr.enable(chainIds) method requests the extension to be unlocked if it's currently locked. If the user hasn't given permission to the webpage, it will ask the user to give permission for the webpage to access Coin98.

enable method can receive one or more chain-id as an array. When the array of chain-id is passed, you can request permissions for all chains that have not yet been authorized at once.

If the user cancels the unlock or rejects the permission, an error will be thrown.

Get Address / Public Key

getKey(chainId: string): Promise<{
    // Name of the selected key store.
    name: string;
    algo: string;
    pubKey: Uint8Array;
    address: Uint8Array;
    bech32Address: string;

If the webpage has permission and Keplr is unlocked, this function will return the address and public key in the following format:

    // Name of the selected key store.
    name: string;
    algo: string;
    pubKey: Uint8Array;
    address: Uint8Array;
    bech32Address: string;
    isNanoLedger: boolean;

It also returns the nickname for the key store currently selected, which should allow the webpage to display the current key store selected to the user in a more convenient mane. isNanoLedger field in the return type is used to indicate whether the selected account is from the Ledger Nano. Because current Secret Network app in the Ledger Nano doesn't support the direct (protobuf) format msgs, this field can be used to select the amino or direct signer. Ref

Sign Amino

signAmino(chainId: string, signer: string, signDoc: StdSignDoc): Promise<AminoSignResponse>

Similar to CosmJS OfflineSigner's signAmino, but Keplr's signAmino takes the chain-id as a required parameter. Signs Amino-encoded StdSignDoc.

Sign Direct / Protobuf

signDirect(chainId:string, signer:string, signDoc: {
    /** SignDoc bodyBytes */
    bodyBytes?: Uint8Array | null;

    /** SignDoc authInfoBytes */
    authInfoBytes?: Uint8Array | null;

    /** SignDoc chainId */
    chainId?: string | null;

    /** SignDoc accountNumber */
    accountNumber?: Long | null;
  }): Promise<DirectSignResponse>

Similar to CosmJS OfflineDirectSigner's signDirect, but Keplr's signDirect takes the chain-id as a required parameter. Signs Proto-encoded StdSignDoc.

Request Transaction Broadcasting

    chainId: string,
    tx: Uint8Array,
    mode: BroadcastMode
): Promise<Uint8Array>;

This function requests Keplr to delegates the broadcasting of the transaction to Keplr's LCD endpoints (rather than the webpage broadcasting the transaction). This method returns the transaction hash if it succeeds to broadcast, if else the method will throw an error. When Keplr broadcasts the transaction, Keplr will send the notification on the transaction's progress.

Interaction Options

export interface KeplrIntereactionOptions {
  readonly sign?: KeplrSignOptions;

export interface KeplrSignOptions {
  readonly preferNoSetFee?: boolean;
  readonly preferNoSetMemo?: boolean;

Keplr v0.8.11+ offers additional options to customize interactions between the frontend website and Keplr extension.

If preferNoSetFee is set to true, Keplr will prioritize the frontend-suggested fee rather than overriding the tx fee setting of the signing page.

If preferNoSetMemo is set to true, Keplr will not override the memo and set fix memo as the front-end set memo.

You can set the values as follows:

window.keplr.defaultOptions = {
    sign: {
        preferNoSetFee: true,
        preferNoSetMemo: true,

Custom event

Change Key Store Event


When the user switches their key store/account after the webpage has received the information on the key store/account the key that the webpage is aware of may not match the selected key in Keplr which may cause issues in the interactions.

To prevent this from happening, when the key store/account is changed, Keplr emits a keplr_keystorechange event to the webpage's window. You can request the new key/account based on this event listener.

window.addEventListener("keplr_keystorechange", () => {
    console.log("Key store in Keplr is changed. You may need to refetch the account info.")

Last updated