How to create/import a hot wallet on Coin98 Telegram Wallet

How to create a hot wallet

Step 1: Open Coin98 Telegram Wallet, click the iconat the top left corner;

Step 2: Click the Add Wallet icon at the top right corner;

Step 3: Choose Hot Wallet and click Continue;

Step 4: Select Muiltichain or the chain you want → click Create;

Step 5: Name the wallet, then click Next;

You can click the icon on the top right corner to choose Seed Phrase Type. Coin98 supports generating 2 types of Seed Phrases: 12 words and 24 words. The 12 words seed phrase is set as default.

Step 6:

  • Our engine will generate a Seed Phrase (12 words). Please pay attention to every word and make sure you back up the Seed Phrase correctly and in a safe place.

  • Re-enter your Seed Phrase into the reconfirmation box.

  • Read the warnings carefully, then select three checkboxes to confirm your awareness of the risks when losing keys.

  • Click Create Wallet to complete.

After having been created successfully, your wallet will be shown automatically in the All Wallets section.

Now, you are all the way to enjoy DeFi's World

How to import a hot wallet

To import a Multi-chain wallet to Coin98 Telegram Wallet, you need its Seed phrase. Therefore, you should store the Seed phrase carefully from the moment of creating the wallet.

Seed phrase and Private Key are security keys that can be understood as a type of password in which the Seed phrase consists of 12 random English keywords, while the Private Key consists of a string of letters and numbers. If you want to restore access to your wallets, you must have ownership of the Seed phrases (used for restoring both Single Chain Wallet and Multichain Wallet) or Private Key (only used for restoring Single Chain Wallet).

Step 1: Open Coin98 Telegram Wallet, click the icon at the top left corner;

Step 2: Click the Add Wallet icon at the top right corner;

Step 3: Choose Hot wallet type and click Continue;

Step 4: Choose Multi-Chain or the chain you want -> click Restore

Step 5: Name the wallet and paste Seed Phrase into the Seed Phrase box

Step 6: Click Restore to complete.

Note: Coin98 supports 2 import options (New Standard or Old Standard) for each wallet on some blockchains such as Bitcoin, Solana, Avalanche C-chain, Viction (formerly Tomochain), Celo, Injective, The Open Network, Tron, Persistence and Aptos (including Aptos Testnet, Aptos Devnet and Aptos mainnet). If the correct standard is not selected, the wallet cannot be properly recovered.

Last updated