How to use Dynamic Rate Staking on Coin98 Super Wallet
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Last updated
Currently, Dynamic Rate Staking allows users to stake directly on Baryon Staking, where the interest rate fluctuates based on the total volume of tokens staked.
Step 1: Open Coin98 Super Wallet, click on the Discover icon at the bottom, and then switch to the Services tab => Choose Stake Master
Step 2: Select Dynamic Rate Staking
Step 3: Select the blockchain and the wallet address containing the tokens you want to stake
Step 4.1 - If this is your first time staking your tokens on Dynamic Rate Staking:
Select Enable and then click Approve in the Approve Token Request pop-up
Next, enter the amount of tokens you want to stake → then click Stake Now
Step 4.2 - If you want to stake additional tokens:
Select the '+' icon
Then, enter the amount of tokens you want to stake → click Stake Now
Step 5: A success message will appear after you have successfully staked → click OK
Step 1: Click the Harvest button
Step 2: Review the amount of tokens received after harvesting. If you agree, click Confirm
Step 3: A success message will appear after the harvest is successful → click OK
Step 1: Click the "-" icon
Step 2: Enter the amount of tokens you want to unstake
Step 3: A success message will appear after successfully unstaking → click OK