How to use Faucet on Coin98 Super App

How to use Faucet on Coin98 Super App

Coin98 Super App has updated the new feature: Faucet. This new feature enables to get testnet tokens right on Coin98 Super App.

Coin98 Super App's new Faucet function allows you to get SEI, ETH, BNB, SOL, CONST, etc. tokens on several testnet blockchains. Sei Testnet, Goerli Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain Testnet, Solana Devnet, Archway Testnet are supported now and more are coming.

You can use wallet tokens for testnet programs: bounties, dApp trade competitions, etc. You'll get project incentives in return.

Download and install Coin98 Super App

Before we begin, you need to install or update our Super App to the latest version:

When everything is all set, let’s find the faucet in the Coin98 Super App:

Step 1: Open the Coin98 Super App.

Step 2: At the Home screen, select More.

Step 3: In the Wallet section, choose Faucet.

Step 4: Select the blockchain you want to get faucet from

  • If you choose Archway Testnet, $CONST will automatically be sent to the wallet which is activated on your app.

  • If you choose other blockchains, you will be redirected to the website to claim the token. Then complete the requirements (if have) and fill in your address to receive it.

Last updated