How to deposit on Coin98 Isolated Pool

Via Coin98 Super Wallet

To access Solend, click Browser on the home screen and access:

Connect your Solana Wallet with Solend

Step 1: At Solend’s main interface, please click Connect Wallet at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Select Coin98 Wallet from the list. Your wallet is now connected with Solend.

If you want to change your wallet, tap on the Wallet Name at the bottom right corner of the screen → Select the appropriate wallet/network.

Step 3: First, choose a pool you want to supply by selecting All Pools. Choose the asset you want to Supply. In this article, I will take the C98 pool as an example.

Step 4: Enter the amount you want to deposit in the Supply tab. Then carefully read the information below before deciding to trade:

  • Borrow limit: The maximum value of assets you can borrow.

  • Utilization: Represents how much of your borrow limit.

  • Supply APY: Interest rate per year from providing assets.

Step 3: Click Supply. The system will charge a very small network fee for this transaction, if you agree, click Approve.

After successfully providing assets to the pool, you can also withdraw at any time by clicking on the Assets supplied section, then enter the amount you want to withdraw, and click Withdraw.

Step 1: Choose the asset you want to withdraw. In this article, I will take C98 as an example.

Step 2: Enter the amount you want to withdraw and click Withdraw. The system will charge a very small network fee for this transaction, if you agree, click Approve.

Via Coin98 Extension

After connecting Solend with the Coin98 Extension Wallet, you can apply the same steps as with the Coin98 Super App above.

Connect the Coin98 Extension Wallet to Solend

Step 1: Go to the Solend website at:

Step 2: Choose Coin98 Wallet in the Connect Wallet section at the top right corner.

Note: You need to change the Web3 Priority of the Coin98 Extension Wallet to Solana blockchain before using this Dapp.

Select the Web3 Priority bar → and select Solana.

Lending on Solend

Step 1: First, choose a pool you want to supply by selecting All Pools. Choose the asset you want to Supply. In this article, I will take C98 pool as an example.

Step 2: Enter the amount you want to deposit and click Supply.

The system will charge a very small network fee for this transaction, if you agree, click Sign.

After successfully providing assets to the pool, you can also withdraw at any time by clicking on the Assets supplied section, then enter the amount you want to withdraw, and click Withdraw.

Last updated