How to use Token Issuer

Token Issuer is a feature that allows users to issue their own tokens easily and conveniently. Currently, Token Issuer is supporting on 3 main chains: Ethereum, HECO, and Binance Smart Chain. In the near future users can also experience this tool Tron (TRC10) and Solana.

To issue a new token on Token Issuer, follow steps below:

On the Products navigation bar at the top of the page, select Coin98 Issuer or visit the link:

Step 1: Select the network that you wish to issue tokens, in this example I chose the HECO Chain (HRC20). The system would find your respective chain wallet.

Step 2: Fill in the following information:

  • Token name: The name of the token

  • Token symbol: The symbol of the token in upper case (cannot be more than 5 characters).

  • Total supply: The total amount of tokens you wish to issue.

  • Decimal Points: The number of decimal places in the token's unit.

You can consider two options when issuing the token:

  • Token Burn: This check specifies whether your tokens can be burned to decrease the supply

  • Token Mint: This check specifies whether your tokens can be created to increase the initial supply.

You can choose or not choose both options but bear in mind that if you don't choose any, your initial aggregate supply will not be allowed to change.

  • Token logo: Click on the plus icon to upload the token's logo.

  • Owner Address: The address receiving the issued tokens. The system will automatically fill in the connected wallet address but you can still use another wallet address.

Note: When issuing, the token issue fee is still charged on the connected wallet.

To change the address of your connected wallet, you can do the following steps:

  • Select the wallet address on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Select the wallet you want to connect.

  • Click Issue.

Step 3: The system will ask users to pay a fee to issue tokens.

Users need to prepare enough fees for this step. If you agree, click Confirm on the pop-up confirmation.

There will be a pop-up announcement in the bottom right corner to redirect you to EtherScan/BscScan/Hecoscan to view your token information.

Last updated