How to convert C98 BEP20 or ERC20 to C98 SPL

Users can conveniently convert C98 from Ethereum (ERC20) and BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) to Solana (SPL) using Coin98 App’s SpaceGate.


  • It takes around 2 - 5 minutes to convert C98 from one chain to another.

  • For C98, you can convert at least 10 C98 and 50,000 C98 at a maximum of once.

  • Besides network fees, users need to pay an amount of protocol fee and bridging fee. Please check the details of the fee here.

Following are the instructions on converting C98 BEP20 or C98 ERC20 to C98 SPL.

How to convert C98 BEP20 or C98 ERC20 to C98 SPL using SpaceGate

Step 1: Open Coin98 Super Wallet, then select Swap, choose SpaceGate.

Step 2: Choose C98 token, then select the BNB Smart Chain wallet or Ethereum wallet containing the number of C98 tokens you want to swap and the receiving Solana wallet.

Step 3: Input (or scroll) the amount you want to convert → click Convert. Then, review the order again. If you agree to swap, click Confirm to execute your order.

Step 4: Transaction status will show in SpaceGate History. Kindly wait until the transaction is completed.

More ways to convert?

  • Step 1: You will swap C98 ERC20 or C98 BEP20 for a stablecoin (i.e. USDT, USDC) on the same chain using Native Swap feature on Coin98 App.

  • Step 2: Convert the stablecoin from ERC20 to SPL using some DApps via DApp Browser on Coin98 App.

  • Step 3: Swap USDC or USDT for C98 SPL on Saros.

Note: - Please note that the bridges can require 2 Gas fees on both sides. Especially, the fee on the ERC20 side can be significantly high depending on the blockchain in certain circumstances. - Please do your own research to check if there is any DApp that supports converting the stablecoin among desired blockchains.

Last updated