How to use Coin98 Staking natively on Coin98 Super Wallet

From version 11.6, Coin98 Super Wallet supports Native Coin98 Staking, providing users with a more optimized and seamless experience.

How to stake C98 on Coin98 Staking

Coin98 Staking currently supports staking C98 tokens on the following blockchains:

  • BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

  • Viction (VRC25)

  • Ethereum (ERC20)

Steps 1: You can select either Stake Master on the Home screen or select More → then choose Stake Master.

Step 2: Choose Fixed Rate Staking to access Coin98 Staking.

Step 3: Click the wallet name at the top corner of Coin98 Staking's main interface → Select a chain (BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, or Viction) and the wallet address holding your C98 token.

Step 4: Select the package you want to join from Coin98 Staking's main interface. For example, we choose to stake 1000 C98 BEP20 (on BNB Smart Chain) with a term of 3 months.

Step 5: Fill in the required information:

  • The amount of C98 you want to stake

  • Staking time (If you want to change)

  • Enter the desired card name (Optional)

  • Enter the desired card ID (Optional)

  • Coin98 allows users to personalize their cards by supporting them in customizing names and card IDs (optional). You can change the card name as many times as you want, even after having staked. However, the card ID can be changed only once before confirming staking.

  • There are charged fees for customizing the card. The custom fee for a name card is 10 C98 and for the ID card is 10 C98.

Step 6: Check the information and select Stake to execute the transaction.

Note: You need to prepare the father tokens of each blockchain to pay the gas fee for your staking

  • Ethereum: ETH token for C98 ERC20 staking transactions

  • BNB Smart Chain: BNB token for C98 BEP20 staking transactions

  • Viction: Zero gas fee for C98 VRC25 staking transactions (No need native VIC token)

Once the transaction is successful, you can check the details in the Stake History section by clicking the clock icon at the top right corner of Coin98 Staking’s main interface.

The Coin98 Staking NFTs will show up in the NFTs section on your Coin98 Super Wallet.

How to unstake C98 on Coin98 Staking

Steps 1: You can select either Stake Master on the Home screen or select More → then choose Stake Master.

Step 2: Choose Fixed Rate Staking to access Coin98 Staking.

Step 3: Select the chain (BEP20, VRC25, or ERC20) and the wallet address used to stake your C98 tokens before.

Step 4: Access Stake History by clicking the clock icon at the top right corner of Coin98 Staking's main interface → Select the staking package you want to unstake.


  • Stakers are unable to unstake in the first 15 days.

  • If you unstake before the expiration date, you will only earn a fixed 2.0% floating interest rate, no matter what type of staking plans you chose.

Step 5: Review all information → Click Unstake to execute the transaction.

Last updated