Aptos Dapps Integration

(Require app ver > 12.5.0)

Aptos testnet

Aptos devnet

Dapp API

Forum post with discussion There will be some apis that certain wallets may add but there should be a few apis that are standard across wallets. This will make mass adoption easier and will make dapp developers' lives easier.

  • connect({network: 'mainnet' | 'testnet' | 'devnet'}), disconnect(), and isConnected()

  • account()

  • signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)

  • signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)

  • Event listening (onAccountChanged(listener), onNetworkChanged(listener))

// Common Args and Responses

interface PublicAccount {
    string address;
    string publicKey;

// The important thing to return here is the transaction hash the dapp can wait for it
type [PendingTransaction](https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/blob/1bc5fd1f5eeaebd2ef291ac741c0f5d6f75ddaef/ecosystem/typescript/sdk/src/generated/models/PendingTransaction.ts)

type [EntryFunctionPayload](https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/blob/1bc5fd1f5eeaebd2ef291ac741c0f5d6f75ddaef/ecosystem/typescript/sdk/src/generated/models/EntryFunctionPayload.t

connect(), disconnect(), isConnected()

It is important that dapps, aren't allow to send requests to the wallet until the user acknowledges that they want to see these requests.

  • connect({network: 'mainnet' | 'testnet' | 'devnet'}) will prompt the user

    • return Promise<PublicAccount>

  • disconnect() allows the user to stop giving access to a dapp and also helps the dapp with state management

    • return Promise<void>

  • isConnected() able to make requests to the wallet to get current state of connection

    • return Promise<boolean>


Needs to be connected The dapp may want to query for the current connected account to get the address or public key.

  • account() no prompt to the user

    • returns Promise<PublicAccount>

signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)

We will be generate a transaction from payload(simple JSON) using the sdk and then sign and submit it to the wallet's node.

  • signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload) will prompt the user with the transaction they are signing

    • returns Promise<PendingTransaction>

signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)

The most common usecase for this function is to verify identity, but there are a few other possible use cases. You may notice some wallets from other chains just provide an interface to sign arbitrary strings. This can be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks, signing string transactions, etc.


export interface SignMessagePayload {
  address?: boolean; // Should we include the address of the account in the message
  application?: boolean; // Should we include the domain of the dapp
  chainId?: boolean; // Should we include the current chain id the wallet is connected to
  message: string; // The message to be signed and displayed to the user
  nonce: string; // A nonce the dapp should generate

export interface SignMessageResponse {
  address: string;
  application: string;
  chainId: number;
  fullMessage: string; // The message that was generated to sign
  message: string; // The message passed in by the user
  nonce: string,
  prefix: string, // Should always be APTOS
  signature: string; // The signed full message
  • signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload) prompts the user with the payload.message to be signed

    • returns Promise<SignMessageResponse>

An example: signMessage({nonce: 1234034, message: "Welcome to dapp!", address: true, application: true, chainId: true })

This would generate the fullMessage to be signed and returned as the signature:

address: 0x000001
chain_id: 7
application: badsite.firebase.google.com
nonce: 1234034
message: Welcome to dapp!

dApp Integration

dApps can make requests to the wallet from their website:

  • connect(): prompts the user to allow connection from the dApp (neccessary to make other requests)

  • isConnected(): returns if the dApp has established a connection with the wallet

  • account(): gets the address of the account signed into the wallet

  • signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction): signs the given transaction and submits to chain

  • signTransaction(transaction): signs the given transaction and returns it to be submitted by the dApp

  • disconnect(): Removes connection between dApp and wallet. Useful when the user wants to remove the connection.

// import transaction build from aptos sdk: https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/tree/main/ecosystem/typescript/sdk
import { BCS, TxnBuilderTypes } from 'aptos';

// Establish connection to the wallet
const result = await window.aptos.connect()
// OR
const result = await window.coin98.aptos.isConnected()

// Check connection status of wallet
const status = await window.aptos.isConnected()
// OR
const status = await window.coin98.aptos.isConnected()

// Gets the address of the account signed into the wallet
const accountAddress = await window.aptos.account()
// OR
const accountAddress = await window.coin98.aptos.account()

// Create a transaction
const transaction = {
    arguments: [address, '717'],
    function: '0x1::coin::transfer',
    type: 'entry_function_payload',
    type_arguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'],

// Send transaction to the extension to be signed and submitted to chain
const response = await window.aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction)
// OR
const response = await window.coin98.aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction)

// Send transaction to the extension to be signed and returns
const signedTransaction = await window.aptos.signTransaction(transaction)
// OR
const signedTransaction = await window.coin98.aptos.signTransaction(transaction)

// Disconnect dApp from the wallet
await window.aptos.disconnect(transaction)
// OR
await window.coin98.aptos.disconnect(transaction)

Verify signature:

const signMessage = async () => {
  const result = await window.aptos.signMessage({
      nonce: 3885,
      message: 'Click to sign in and accept the BlueMove Terms of Service. This request will not cost any gas fees.',
      address: true,
      application: true,
      chainId: true
    setState(state => ({ ...state, message: result }))

  const verifyMessage = () => {
    const { message, account } = state
    const sig = message.signature
    const pub = account.publicKey
    const fullMessage = message.fullMessage
    const signature = Buffer.from(sig.substring(2), 'hex')
    const pubKey = Buffer.from(pub.substring(2), 'hex')
    const verify = Nacl.sign.detached.verify(Buffer.from(fullMessage), signature, pubKey)


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