Cypheus Assistant Bot

From the latest version V15, Coin98 Super Wallet has integrated Cypheus Assistant Bot, an advanced AI assistant designed to make your journey in the crypto world smoother, smarter, and more engaging.

Cypheus Assistant is more than just a regular virtual assistant - it's a smart AI designed by cutting-edge language model technology, crafted to help you navigate the complexities of the crypto space with ease. Think of it as a knowledgeable friend who's always there to help whenever you need it. That's what Cypheus is all about.

How Cypheus can help

Cypheus is equipped to handle a variety of tasks to enhance your experience with Coin98 Super Wallet:

  • Answer Your Questions: Whether you're curious about market trends, need help understanding blockchain concepts, or want to learn how to use specific features in the wallet, Cypheus is here to provide clear and concise answers.

  • Provide Information: Stay informed with the news and updates from the crypto world because Cypheus is here to keep you up-to-date and well-informed if you need.

  • Generate Images on Request: Need a visual? Cypheus can generate images based on your requests. Whether it’s for creative inspiration or just for fun, Cypheus brings your ideas to life with a simple command. It's not just generating but also offers easy options to share the images within the app or download them to your photo gallery.

Keep in mind that image generation has a daily limit based on your OneID.

How to interact with Cypheus

Communication with Cypheus is designed to be as natural and intuitive as possible. Just like chatting with a friend, you can type your questions or commands directly in the chat box. Cypheus will respond promptly, providing you with the information or assistance you need.

Not only chatting, Cypheus is also good at hearing. If you prefer speaking over typing, you can use voice-to-text functionality to chat. Simply speak your command or question, and the words will be automatically transcribed into the chat box, ready for Cypheus to process and respond.

How to start a chat with Cypheus

There are two ways to chat with Cypheus.

Option 1:

Step 1: On the Home screen, click the Coin98 Messenger icon on the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Select Cypheus Assistant section

Step 3: Type your question in the chat box (1) or hold the Mic button on the right side to speak (2).

Option 2:

Step 1: On the Home screen, click the AI button on the bottom menu bar.

Step 2: Hold and speak to interact with Cypheus Assistant

Step 3: Release the button once you finish the question or request.

Cypheus is always ready to help you whenever you want and wherever you are. Let's make your crypto journey more engaging, productive, and fun!

Last updated