How to buy NFT in Coin98 Super Wallet

Step 1: Access NFT marketplace to buy NFT. There are 2 ways to do that:

  • In your main Wallet section, choose NFT tab. If you don't own any NFT yet, you can click on Discover Marketplace to visit NFT Market place tab

  • Or you can simply choose Browser section, then choose Marketplace to visit NFT Marketplace

Step 2: Choose NFTs that you want to buy.

If you don't see it displayed in the NFT Marketplace screen. Use search bar on top to look it up.

Once you see the NFT that you want to buy, choose the NFT to proceed.

Take Contrarians NFT Collection for example. Supposed we want to buy a Contrarians NFT. Simply click on the NFT.

Then click Buy button

Step 3: Proceeding transaction

Ensure the price and payment is correct, then click Continue

Approve Token Request to make transaction

Hold Hold to Buy button to buy NFT

You have successfully bought the NFT, now you can go back to NFT tab (As guided in Step 1) to check your NFT.

Last updated